Refund Policy

Q: What is FAQ and what does it offer?

A: FAQ is a product that provides information about the refund policy for Security Guard Classes offered by First Choice Global Venture LLC. It outlines the process for requesting a refund and the conditions for receiving a refund.

Q: How can I request a refund for Security Guard Classes?

A: You can request a refund by phone call, written request, email, or in person at the business office using the “Refund Request” form prior to the start of the class.

Q: Can I cancel my training before the beginning of the class?

A: Yes, you may cancel your training prior to the beginning of the class. As per NYS Department of education and NYS DCJS policies, a 100% refund will be issued once FCG is notified of such cancellation from the course.

Q: Is there any refund or credit available once the class has begun for 8-hour Pre-Assignment or 8 hour Annual Refresher class?

A: No, there will be no refunds or credit once the class has begun for 8-hour Pre-Assignment or 8 hour Annual Refresher class.

Q: What is the refund policy for the 16 hour On-The-Job-Training course?

A: For the 16 hour On-The-Job-Training course, students will be entitled to a 50% refund if the student cancels after the start of instruction. However, before the start of the second 8-hour block of instruction FCG cannot assess any non-refundable fees or deposits.

Q: How can I contact FCG for more information about the refund policy?

A: You can contact FCG by phone, email, or in person at the business office for more information about the refund policy.